Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Daughters Bedroom Makeover

I have been working so hard on getting this old house in order for the holidays that my daughter asked me if we could do something different in her room.  She chose a purple color that I wasn't fond of, but after the trim was painted white it really did add some much needed character to her room.  The photo's illustrate the work we put in.  My wife added some nice decorating touches with her choices of wall art. This is the attic area of the house and it has an ole chimney that is boxed in and wrapped with wood laminate.  We are trying this new kind of paint that claims you can paint any surface material and turn it into a dry erase board.   Those photo's will be posted a tad bit later.

Final photo's of the dry erase board.  My daughter decorated it specifically for these photo's.


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